The aims of the project (carried out by Melissa Capo as part of her MSc in “Evoluzione del comportamento animale e dell'uomo” at the University of Turin, Italy) were to: 1) Extract archaeological data from scientific publications concerning personal ornaments, with a focus on prehistoric Italy. 2) Collate the data in a georeferenced database.
ArcheoLogica Data 2/2022
- Sampling in historical wetlands
- Geoarchaeological hand augering in the hinterland of Ravenna
- A computational modelling approach to reconstruct the fluvial system of the floodplain of Lucca in the Roman period
- Litoteca digitale dei materiali dell’edilizia storica di Pisa
- A georeferenced list of prehistoric personal ornaments of biological origin from the Italian archaeological record
- Italian Maiolica and Sgraffito pottery from Volterra
- Materiali per una definizione delle tipologie funerarie ierapolitane
- La distribuzione delle ceramiche di Montelupo nel mondo
- Indagini stratigrafiche all’Area Scheibler